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MT5 is an model container format for Shenmue I.
The model format is based on an node based hierarchy tree.

For an C# implementation based on this documentation look here.


Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 string Identifier (HRCM)
0x04 0x04 uint TEXD offset
0x08 0x04 uint First node offset

MT5 Node

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 uint ID
0x04 0x04 uint Mesh offset
0x08 0x0C short Rotation (X, Y, Z)
0x14 0x0C float Scale (X, Y, Z)
0x20 0x0C float Position/Translate (X, Y, Z)
0x2C 0x04 uint Child offset
0x30 0x04 uint Sibling offset
0x34 0x04 uint Parent offset
0x38 0x04 string Node name
0x3C 0x04 ? Reserved

Mesh Data

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 uint Polytype?
0x04 0x04 uint Vertices offset
0x08 0x04 uint Vertex count
0x0C 0x04 uint Instructions offset
0x10 0x0C float Mesh center (X, Y, Z)
0x1C 0x04 float Mesh radius


These instructions are state machine like. Each instruction changes the state of how to render the strip.
Each instruction identifier is 2 bytes long.

(0x0E00, 0x0F00)

Ignored. Skip 10 bytes.

(0x8000, 0xA000)

Ignored. Skip 2 bytes.



Strip Attributes (0x0200, 0x0300)

First byte holds UV flag for how they are interpreted. Holds information about the texture UV wrap modes.

Texture (0x0900)

Sets the texture to use for the next instructions.

Strip Group (0x1000 - 0x1400, 0x1800 - 0x1C00)
Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x02 ushort Strip count

These strip groups have the following vertex data based on the identifiers:

Identifier Vertex Size Description
0x1000, 0x1300, 0x1800, 0x1B00 2 Bytes (Index) Vertex index
0x1200, 0x1A00 2 Bytes (Index) + 4 Bytes (BGRA) Vertex index, Color
0x1100, 0x1900 2 Bytes (Index) + 4 Bytes (UV) Vertex index, UV
0x1400, 0x1C00 2 Bytes (Index) + 4 Bytes (UV) + 4 Bytes (BGRA) Vertex index, UV, Color
Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x02 short Strip vertex count (sometimes negativ, just abs() it)

Often the vertex index can be negativ, this is an optimization and is used to point to the parents vertices.

Strip "Vertex"
Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x02 short Vertex index
0x02 0x04 short Texture Coordinate (UV)
0x06 0x04 byte BGRA Color

The UV coordinates are UVH (UV high-resolution) and need to be divided by 1024 to get normalized UV coordnates.

End (0x0080)

Defines the end of instructions.


The vertices only hold the position and normal of an vertex.

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x0C float Position (X, Y, Z)
0x0C 0x0C float Normals (X, Y, Z)


This sections holds textures for the model.

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 string Identifier
0x04 0x04 uint Header size (or offset to first entry)
0x08 0x04 uint Texture count

TEXD Entry

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 string Identifier (TEXN, NAME)
0x04 0x04 uint Entry size in bytes

This entry defines an actual PVRT texture.

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 uint ID
0x04 0x04 string Name
0x08 0x0? PVRT Texture

This entry is used to define used textures outside of the MT5.

Position Length Type Description
0x00 0x04 uint ID
0x04 0x04 string Name